Weight: 4.1kg (from 3.275kg at Birth and 3.115kg when discharged from hospital)
Height: 54cm (from 50cm at Birth)
We brought Lil' K for her one month immunisation for Hep B at Raffles Hospital today. She was doing great when Dr Tan was examining her before she got her jab. She was smiling and alert. Think she was unaware of what was in store for her in the coming minutes.
Then the moment came.
The Doc asked G to hold on to her left arm and talk to her to distract her while the Doc jabbed her in her left thigh. When the needle went in, she has a quizzical look on her face, wondering what was happening. No crying and no tears. I was secretly proud of my little munchkin for being so brave.
Then it came. It was only when the needle was compressed and the vaccine was pumped into her tiny little (chubby) thigh did she scream out in pain. Whoever said she had a little kitten voice should have been there. It was a chilling, ear deafening scream. One would have thought that most (normal) parents would have held their breaths in anticipation, or secretly teared at such a sight. But alas, evil G and his mother both CACKLED very loudly (G more loudly than his mother) when Lil' K was screaming in pain.
We brought Lil' K for her one month immunisation for Hep B at Raffles Hospital today. She was doing great when Dr Tan was examining her before she got her jab. She was smiling and alert. Think she was unaware of what was in store for her in the coming minutes.
Then the moment came.
The Doc asked G to hold on to her left arm and talk to her to distract her while the Doc jabbed her in her left thigh. When the needle went in, she has a quizzical look on her face, wondering what was happening. No crying and no tears. I was secretly proud of my little munchkin for being so brave.
Then it came. It was only when the needle was compressed and the vaccine was pumped into her tiny little (chubby) thigh did she scream out in pain. Whoever said she had a little kitten voice should have been there. It was a chilling, ear deafening scream. One would have thought that most (normal) parents would have held their breaths in anticipation, or secretly teared at such a sight. But alas, evil G and his mother both CACKLED very loudly (G more loudly than his mother) when Lil' K was screaming in pain.
I was surprised when the Doc remarked that it never fails to amuse him to see how parents react when they witness for the first time their babies crying from an injection. They always fall into two distinct category - one group will break out in hysterical laughter while the other will be all worked up and concerned. In G's case, he couldn't stop cackling for the longest time. Even after we left the Doc's room and Lil' K was feeding in the nursing room, G still cackled whenever he replayed the scene in his mind. He said what set him off was Lil' K's initial puzzled, blur look when the needle went in and the swiftness with which that gave way to a bunched-up, pained expression accompanied by the loud bawl when the vaccine was compressed into her thigh. How thoroughly evil.
Here's a photo of my precious baby and her war scar:

Here's a photo of my precious baby and her war scar: