Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, May 16, 2008

Growin' Growin' Growin'

Brought K for her booster pneumococcal jab today. Her growth updates are:

Height: 70.5cm (she grew 3cm since last month) (75th percentile)
Weight: 8.3kg (up by 600g) (75th to 90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 43.2cm (up by 2.5cm from the last time) (50th to 75th percentile)

She now has one pearly white peeking out distinctly from the bottom. That tooth was a dark horse. The other teeth seemed to be coming out since 4 months, but other than the ridges just beneath the surface of the gum, they kinda didn't grow out. This dark horse didn't even show any signs of emerging and ta da! Its peering out for the world to see. And yes, she bites. Ouch.

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