Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Kaelyn turns 2 Months

Time flies by really quick, especially when there's an overall lack of sleep! Heh.

Little K is two months old today. Here are some photos that we took today:

Little Rabbit Pharoh Princess

Awfully Chocolate's Chocolate Banana Cake
(Ok, fine... I admit. It was I who wanted to eat the cake and celebrating her two months of existence was just a convenient excuse...)

We brought Lil K to see her newest cousin, Darryl Teoh at Gleneagles hospital this afternoon. He was born last night at 2115h to proud parents Kin & Bin. Its funny how after just 2 months of existence, Lil K got promoted in rank to cheh cheh to baby Darryl.

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